ﺳﻠﻴﻢ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﱐ ﷴ ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢﻟﻌﻨﱰي 2024-02-132024-02-132018https://dspace.univ-soukahras.dz/handle/123456789/3506In this study, we discussed the positive impact of strategic vigilance in the prevention and forecasting of crises in the telecommunications services institution, the study also provided a theoretical briefing on the practice of strategic alertness and crisis management, the field side was used as a main tool for collecting data from the personnel working in the agency, depending on the following problem : What is the impact of the exercise of strategic vigilance in the prediction and prevention of crises in the Mobilis Foundation ? At the end of the research, we have established the relationship between strategic vigilance and crisis management.otherأﺛﺮاﻟﻴﻘﻈﺔ اﻹﺳﱰاﺗﻴﺠﻴﺔ ﰲ اﻟﺘﻨﺒﺆ واﻟﻮﻗﺎﻳﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻷزﻣﺎت ﰲ اﳌﺆﺳﺴﺔ اﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻺﺗﺼﺎﻻت" ﻣﻮﺑﻴﻠﻴﺲ "وﻛﺎﻟﺔ ﺳﻮق أﻫﺮاسThesis