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    Forecasting approach for Blind Spot Collision Alert
    (ACM Digital Library, 2021-03-22) Djamel BEKTACHE, Yakoubi Mohamed Amine and Ghoualmi Nacera
    Every year many accidents involving all categories of road users. However, some accidents are related to the blind spot, due to the deficiency of visibility in this zone, also lack of information or negligence. In this work, we focused on the road safety applications. The main of our researches is to alert the risk of blind spot collision. For this we designed a new approach, namely FBSCA, Forecasting Blind Spot Collision Alert, the driver alerts his neighbors for a possible accident related to the blind spot. The most interesting scenario testing includes the case where the vehicles need to exchange information in real-time in order to avoid traffic collisions when their visibility is hindered by road obstacles. For the implementation and testing of our approach we used popular network simulation tools such MOVE, SUMO and Ns2, we provided an assessment of proposed solution in order to alert the blind spot collisions for all neighboring vehicles.