استخدام مهارات الإتصال في عملية الترويج الإلكتروني في مؤسسة خدماتية. دراسة ميدانية تحليلية في مديرية الخدمات الجامعية لولاية سوق اهراس.
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Study summary :
This study aimed to know the design skills used in the electronic promotion process in the (public) service organisation ; as well as knowing the trends of the ueses of the official page of the derctorte of university services in the state of souk ahras towards employing verbal and persuasive communication skills in the process of electronic promotion in addition to getting acquainted with the from and content of promotional publications on the same page by answering the following pivotal question how to use communication skills in the electronic promotion process on the page of the directorate of university services which is centered within a set of sub_questions are how to employ desing skills in the directorte of university services in the state of souk ahras. -what are the attitudes of page users towards employing verbal and persuasive communicatin skills in the electronic promtion process ?
- what are the attitudes of page users towards employing verbal and persuasive communicatin skills in the electronic promotion process ?
- how do communication skills appear on the page in from and conent ?
In this study the theory of symbolic interactionism and uses and gratifications was relied upon as it servers the subject of research in order to achieve of this study we used the descriptive approach to suit the problem of the study considering that it is the closest approach to collecting date .analyzing it quantitativerly and interpreting it
in its specific context be employing a set of tools the interview was conducted with 3 page managers to learn design skills and a ternd measurment form with 30 page users thefind out their attitudes towards employing verbal and persuasive communicatin skills in the electrinic promotion process to confrim the trend a conent anzlysis tool was employed with 12 prosts from the page to know the fromand content of skills in the process.
After statstical treatment and analysis many results were reached, which are the following :
1. the promoter has technical skills (management of finamcial computer and differents means), technology skills (using all internet technology media and communication major verbal and persuasive skills).
2. The most important conditions electronic promotion content are : mastery, downsizing, and cooperation between operation managers.
3. Contents of promotional publications should be accurate and clean, correct and proper and contains objective ideas and threaded.
4. Supporting the promotion of the page ’s activities with vedios and sound effects and choosing images are related to be topic subraitted.
5. The page must publish original contents by diversifying information sources to achieve more interaction.
6. The page depends on publiching its contents the language and foreign and colloquial, preserving pocial, religious and cultural values to achieve its objectives of informing, persauding, and entertaining.
7. Tere page enploys two elements of the electronic promotion : electronic advertising , both witten and cudiovisual, and electronic public relations by news seminars, publicity and reporting.
Key words : communication skills, electronic promotion verbal skills, persuasive skills, publication digital contents electronic advertisement, design skills, electronic public relations.