Experimental and numerical study on the leaching of pesticides into the groundwater through a porous medium: Effects of transport parameters
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This study aims to investigate, experimentally and numerically, the pesticide transport
through the soil in unsaturated zone. The movement of pesticide is described with one
dimensional model. The transport equation incorporates terms accounting for diffusion
–convection, adsorption and reaction. The first objective of this work was to identifies
the effects of the parameters transport such us; the dimensions first order degradation
coefficient (µ), the peclet number (ρe) and the dimensionless mass transfer coefficient
(w). The evolution of pesticide concentration in function of depth and time was found
by using the non-equilibrium transport model. The data obtained show the importance
of the adsorbed concentration. The second objective is to find the relation between the
concentration and the transport parameters because there is a difficulty of the analytical
solution. The solution of the problem was carried out by a numerical approach by using the
finite difference method and a Fortran program.