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Technical Analysis of a Proposed HVDC Transmission Line Between HassiMessaoud and El-Khroub in Algeria
(IIETA, 2024-10-28) Abdelghani Guechi; Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia; Mohammed Saaidia
Algeria will probably face great challenges in the energy sector in the near future due to the continuous increase in demand for electrical energy, old and insufficient local power stations and its dependence mainly on fossil energies. However, Algeria is considered as one of the most important countries in terms of solar energy potentials, especially in the center and south of the country, enabling it to address future energy challenges. Moreover,
Algeria could become an important solar electrical energy exporter to African and even European countries. In this paper, we are interested by the electrical transmission network that could be suitable for the establishment of solar power plants in the Algerian desert.
We propose the use of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology based on a line-commutated converter (LCC) to connect one of the potential candidate region with huge potential for solar energy, namely Hassi-Messaoud region, to El-Khroub region as a central distribution node of electrical power at the Northeast of Algeria. A technical analysis of the proposed system is conducted and a comparison against high voltage alternating current (HVAC) transmission technology is performed to evaluate its suitability and effectiveness. The obtained results indicate that implementing a power transmission project via HVDC is technically feasible and suitable option.
محددات انتقاء الناشئين في رياضة كرة القدم
(2024) Melaikia Tayeb
The study aimed to identify the determinants of selecting young football players under the age of 13 by examining the most significant physical, physiological, psychological, and skill-related factors among them.
In the theoretical background, the researcher discussed the concept, types, and stages of sports selection, the importance, objectives, and characteristics of sports selection, the benefits of scientific selection methods, scientific bases for selection, the age at which players can be selected in football, factors leading young football players to higher levels, basic principles of athlete selection, as well as the determinants and requirements of selection in sports, basic principles of young football players, physical and skill requirements for football players, and psychological preparation in football. Additionally, the researcher addressed the characteristics of the under-13 age group, defining the age group and its characteristics, growth requirements at this age, sports practice at the under-13 age group, and the needs and motivations of young athletes.
The sample was selected using the comprehensive survey method, and the primary study sample consisted of 119 youth players under the age of 13, active in the football schools of 8 clubs from the municipality of Souk Ahras, affiliated with the Souk Ahras Football League, for the 2022/2023 sports season. Based on the objectives of the study and the nature of the topic, the descriptive approach using the survey method was adopted. Data was collected through a variety of physical measurements, physical, skill, physiological, and psychological tests. Regarding statistical methods, the SPSS v26 statistical software package was used, along with the calculation of the mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, and factor analysis. The researcherreached the followingresults:
• Eleven factors met all acceptance criteria:
1. Factor One: Satisfied by (6) tests.
2. Factor Two: Satisfied by (7) tests.
3. Factor Three: Satisfied by (5) tests.
4. Factor Four: Satisfied by (5) tests.
5. Factor Five: Satisfied by (3) tests.
6. Factor Six: Satisfied by (3) tests.
7. Factor Seven: Satisfied by (3) tests.
8. Factor Eight: Satisfied by (2) tests.
9. Factor Nine: Satisfied by (2) tests.
10. Factor Ten: Satisfied by (5) tests.
11. Factor Eleven: Satisfied by (4) tests.
• Extracted battery units:
First Factor: The factor is termed (Fat), represented by the chest fat test with a saturation value of 0.919.
Second Factor: The factor is termed (Weight and Circumferences), represented by the body weight test with a saturation value of 0.829.
Third Factor: The factor is termed (Lengths), represented by the thigh length test with a saturation value of 0.855.
Fourth Factor: The factor is termed (Agility), represented by the zigzag running test between 4 markers (multi-directional running) with a saturation value of 0.863.
Fifth Factor: The factor is termed (Explosive Strength), represented by the 3 kg overhead medicine ball throw test with a saturation value of 0.865.
Sixth Factor: The factor is termed (Dribbling), represented by the zigzag running with the ball between markers in the shape of the number 8, with a saturation value of 0.877.
Seventh Factor: The factor is termed (Passing), represented by the passing accuracy test from a distance of 15 meters toward 4 targets, with a width of 70-100 cm, with a saturation value of 0.722.
Eighth Factor: The factor is termed (Maximal Oxygen Consumption VO2MAX relative), represented by the absolute VO2MAX oxygen consumption test divided by body weight, with a saturation value of 0.901.
Ninth Factor: The factor is termed (Pulse), represented by the resting pulse test using the Bewell Connect device, with a saturation value of 0.746.
Tenth Factor: The factor is termed (Trust in Others), represented by the motivational traits assessment scale by Tutco and Richard (modified by Mohamed Hassan Alawi), with a saturation value of 0.626.
Eleventh Factor: The factor is termed (Emotional Control), represented by the motivational traits assessment scale by Tutco and Richard (modified by Mohamed Hassan Alawi), with a saturation value of 0.773.
Within the limits of the researcher's findings, the following suggestions are proposed:
1- Using the battery obtained in selecting young football players.
2- Researchers and selectors should focus on considering various aspects in their choices by utilizing measurements and tests derived from the research results.
3- When selecting or promoting young players according to their development, it is necessary to ensure that selection occurs in stages using tests for all aspects.
4- Establishing criteria for measurements and tests for different age groups to classify players into different levels.
5- Conducting similar studies in other sports and at different age stages to benefit from the results in selecting the best elements in these sports.
6- The researcher recommends conducting studies specifically focusing on the mental aspect of football players.
Evaluation paysagère d’un tronçon routier (TAOURA-HAMAM TASSA)
(2025) Rayen,LAMAMRIA
The study of landscapes occupies a crucial place in the context of regional planning, because it represents the characteristics of the landscape, its coherence and its strength.
Based on this, our current study has undertaken the task of examining and examining the natural manifestations between the following two spatial domains (Taoura - HammamTassa). For this reason, we relied on the mixture of two analytical approaches, one quantitative and the other qualitative, which made it possible to study 11 and consider the points of contrast, importance and quality that separate this section from the other, given the role environmental, economic and social factors shaping the specificity of each space.
تكتسي دراسة المناظر الطبيعية مكانة حاسمة في إطار تخطيط الأراضي لكونها تقف على خصائص المنظر الطبيعي وما يمتاز به من تناسق وقوة على هذا الأساس فقد نهضت دراستنا الحالية بمهمة معاينة وفحص المظاهر الطبيعة بين المجالين المكانيين التاليين ( تاورة -حمام تاسة) ومن أجل هذا اعتمدنا على المزج بين مقاربتين في التحليل، إحداهما كمية والأخرى نوعية، ما أتاح دراسة 11 والنظر في نقاط التباين والأهمية والجودة التي تفصل هذا المقطع عن الآخر، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار لدور العوامل البيئية والاقتصادية و الاجتماعية في تشكيل خصوصية كل فضاء
L'étude des paysages occupe une place cruciale dans le cadre de l'aménagement du territoire, car elle représente les caractéristiques du paysage, sa cohérence et sa force. Sur cette base, notre étude actuelle a entrepris la tâche d'examiner et d'examiner les manifestations naturelles entre les deux domaines spatiaux suivants (Taoura - Hammam Tassa). Pour cette raison, nous nous sommes appuyés sur le mélange de deux approches d'analyse, l'une quantitative et l'autre qualitative, ce qui a permis d'étudier 11 et de considérer les points de contraste, d'importance et de qualité qui séparent cette section de l'autre, compte tenu du rôle facteurs environnementaux, économiques et sociaux façonnant la spécificité de chaque espace.
Élevage des poulettes pondeuses locales: état lieu et perspectives
(2025) mouhamed saleh,Rouaibia
the rearing of laying hens in the Souk Ahras region highlights several aspects of this activity. The study made it possible to identify certain constraints and difficulties specific to this region. Among these, we find the non- specialization of the workforce, the conformity of the livestock buildings, the control of environmental factors and the respect of the rules of hygiene and prophylaxis. These constraints have a negative impact on the quality of the eggs produced and the associated production costs. Recommendations are made to improve the productivity of laying hens in this region, inparticular by installing additional hatcheries, offering training and optimizing the supply of production factors.
إن تربية الدجاج البياض في منطقة سوق أهراس تسلط الضوء على جوانب عديدة من هذا النشاط.
أتاحت الدراسة تحديد بعض المعوقات والصعوبات الخاصة بهذه المنطقة. من بين هؤالء ، نجد عدم
تخصص القوى العاملة ، وتوافق أبنية الثروة الحيوانية ، والتحكم في العوامل البيئية ، واحترام قواعد
النظافة والوقاية. هذه القيود لها تأثير سلبي على جودة البيض المنتج وتكاليف اإلنتاج المرتبطة به. يتم
تقديم التوصيات لتحسين إنتاجية الدجاج البياض في هذه المنطقة ، وال سيما عن طريق تركيب مفرخات
.إضافية ، وتقديم التدريب وتحسين إمدادات عوامل اإلنتاج
l'élevage de poules pondeuses dans la région de Souk Ahras met en évidence plusieurs aspects de cette activité. L'étude a permis d'identifier certaines contraintes et difficultés spécifiques à cette région. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve la non-spécialisation de la main-d'œuvre, la conformité des bâtiments d'élevage, la maîtrise de sfacteurs d'ambiance et le respect desrèg les d'hygiène et deprophylaxie. Ces contraintesont unimpact négatif sur laqualité de sœufs produits et les coûts de production associés. Des recommandations sont formulées pour améliorer la productivité des poules pondeuses dans cette région, notamment en installant des couvoirs supplémentaires, en proposant des formations et en optimisant l'approvisionnement en facteurs de production.
محضر اللجنة العلمية للقسم 26-11-2024
(كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية, 2024-11-26) كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية