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    (Editura Academiei Romane/Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2023-10-23) ABIDI Abdenabi ,a,b,* ,a ,c d and; DJERMANE Mohamed; IEZID Mostepha; GHERRAF Noureddine; PONTIE Maxime
    This study was aimed to implement response surface methodology to optimize the hydrodistillation parameters of the essential oil of the plant species Eucalyptus camaldulensis (RSM). The distillation time, condensation flow rate, and particle size were the desired parameters. To generate factor combinations, a three-factor Box-Behnken design was used. The response surface analysis yielded a linear model, which was used to calculate the top yield of extracted oil based on the optimized conditions. ANOVA shows that the generated polynomial model was highly noteworthy, with R2=0.861. The peak yield was 0.513663% at the optimal conditions, which were 1 mm as particle size, 3.4 mL/min as condensation flow rate, and 210 min as extraction time. The GC/MS analysis revealed the presence of p-cymene (26.22%), spathulenol (16.71%), and 1.8-cineole (14.44%) as major components.
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    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Algerian Launaea nudicaulis Essential oils
    (International Scientific Organization, 2020) FADJKHI Narjes , ,; HAMEURLAINE Samir; Fellaha Ouroud; DJERMANE Mohamed et al
    The chemical analyses of Launaea nudicaulis essential oils by GC/MS allowed the identification of 94.1% of the crude oil affording 50 volatile compounds. The major components are: β-caryophyllene 7.9%, (E)-β-farnesene 7.6%, β-selinene 9.9%, Spathulenol 4.9%, α-cadinol 5.9%, haxadecanoic acid 17.3%. The IC50 of their scavenging activity is found to be 1.94 mg/mL. Moreover, the extract reveals a average in vitro antimicrobial activity on some strains, confirmed by the inhibition zone diameter ranging from 6 to 14.5 mm depending on the microorganism being tested.
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    Green-extraction of essential oil of the species Ruta chalepensis L.: gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy-infra red analysis and response surface methodology optimization
    (De Gruyter Poland Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2019) DJERMANE Mohamed 1, 1, 2, Noureddine 3; ABIDI Abdenabi; CHROUDA Amani; GHERRAF Noureddine
    The objective of the present study was the optimization of the parameters affecting the hydrodistillation of Ruta chalepensis L. essential oil using response surface design type BoxBehnken. After an appropriate choice of three parameters, 15 experiments were performed leading to a mathematical second-degree model relating the response function (yield of essential oil) to parameters and allowing a good control of the extraction process. The realization of the experiments and data analysis was carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). A deduced second-order polynomial expression was used to determine the optimal conditions necessary to obtain a better essential oil yield. These optimized operating conditions were: a granulometry of 2 mm, a condensation-water flow rate of 3.4 mL/min and an extraction time of 204 min. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that the generated second-order polynomial model was highly significant with R2=0.9589 and P<0.006. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of essential oil extracted from the Ruta chalepensis L. aerial parts revealed the presence of 2-undecanone, 2-nonanone and 2-decanone as major components.
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    Editor's choice Water Extract of Tamarix gallica L. as effective Agents against C6 and HeLa tumor cell lines
    (De Gruyter Poland Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2019) Fellah Ouroud 1, 2, 3,; Hameurlaine Samir; Djermane Mohamed; Tahar Wafa; et al
    The aerial parts of Tamarix gallica L. taken from three different climatic stages in Algeria (Oum El Bouaghi: Semi-arid, ElTaref: Humid, and Ouargla: Arid) were extracted using boiling distilled water. The crude extracts were subjected to total phenolics and flavonoids quantifications in addition to anti-proliferative assessment against two tumor cell lines namely rat brain tumor (C6) and human cervix carcinoma (HeLa) using BrdU (bromo-deoxyuridine) ELISA(Enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay) and xCELLigence assay. The total phenolics yield was found to range between 16.14 and 39.32 mg GAE (Gallic acid equivalent)/g of extract and a flavonoids yield ranging between 16.51 and 20.35 mg QE(quercetin equivalent)/g of extract. The various phenolics were identified using HPLC-TOF/MS to highlight hesperidin and rosmarinic Acid as major components. Moreover, the extracts exhibited different levels of antitumor potency against C6 and HeLa cell lines depending upon the climatic stage and the concentration. A good cytotoxic effect was recorded with the species collected from the humid region at 250 µg/mL. On the contrary, the other extracts revealed a weak activity for both tests.
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    Assessment of Alkaloid Content and Antibacterial Activity of Hyoscyamus Albus and Hyoscyamus Muticus Collected in Two Different Climatic Regions in Algeria
    (SEVAS EDUCATIONAL SOC, 2019-03-15) Kebaili Zoubir; Hameurlaine Samir; Fellah Ouroud; Djermane Mohamed; Gherraf Noureddine; Zellagui Amar; Abidi Abdenabi; Derouiche Kamel
    Medicinal plants are considered as a very important source of secondary metabolites and therefore bioactive molecules. Our comparative study deals with two species: Hyoscyamus albus and Hyoscyamus muticus harvested in two different climate regions namely: Arris (semi-arid, wilaya of Batna) and Djanet (arid, wilaya of Illizi), respectively. The phytochemical screening revealed that aerial parts of the two species contain almost all classes of secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, quinones, anthraquinones, saponins, tannins, coumarins and alkaloids. The quantitative assessment of alkaloids in hydroalcoholic extracts of the two plants showed that the total alkaloid content varies depending upon the species and climate conditions. The alkaloid level was found to be 0.51% and 0.32% in Hyoscyamus albus and Hyoscyamus muticus respectively. Moreover, the antibacterial test vis-à-vis some pathogen bacteria such as: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed that both alkaloid crude extracts and hydroalcoholic extracts are moderately active against the tested bacterial strains.
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    Eco-Extraction of Essential Oil of the Species Salvia Officinalis L. Systematic Characterization and Parametric Modeling
    (EURESIAN PUBLICATIONS, 2018-07-23) DJERMANE Mohamed; Abidi Abdenabi; Cheraif Imed; Toubal Abdelaziz; Noureddine Gherraf
    In this study, the response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the hydrodistillation process of Algerian Salvia officinalis essential oil. The effects of grain size, condensing flow rate and extraction time on oil yield were studied. A 3-factor design by the BoxBehnken method was used to produce factor combinations, from the response surface analysis. A second-order polynomial expression was deduced and used to determine the best yield efficiency of extracted oil according to the optimal conditions. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that the generated second-order polynomial model was highly significant with R2 = 0.9589 and P <0.006. Optimum oil yield conditions (0.98%) were estimated at a particle diameter of 2mm, a condensation flow rate of 1.4mL/min of and an extraction time of 210min. The essential oil extracted from the sage leaves by hydrodistillation was analyzed by GC/MS, to afford α.-Thujone, camphor, 1,8- cineole and β.-Thujone as main components.
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    Study of the influence of operational parameters on the adsorption of a dye by a potato peels
    (Book Springer, Volume 1 Nanotechnology and advanced Materials, 2020-10-25) Saliha Bouranene; Souheila Bouacherine; Nora Sedira
    The growing demand for adsorbent materials for environmental protection processes is prompting further research in the manufacture of unconventional and low cost adsorbents. In this work we have prepared a material from a natural waste namely potato peels to clean up contaminated water with a cationic dye i.e. Methylene Blue (MB). Firstly a characterization of the material was carried out in terms of bulk density, ash content, moisture content, pH and electrical conductivity. A parametric study was carried out subsequently and revealed that this adsorbent gives a better adsorption efficiency with respect to BM molecules (Tx = 95.13%) during a contact time of 45 min for a solid mass (4 g), a speed stirring (150 rpm), a solid mass/liquid volume ratio (4 g/250 mL) and an initial dye concentration (10 ppm). The modeling of the adsorption results gave an L-type isotherm with good compatibility with the Langmuir and Freundlich models.
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    Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Zinc and Copper Ions on to Activated Carbon Prepared from Date Pits
    (International Journal of New Chemistry, 2021-11-08) Saliha Bouranene; Nora Sedira; Lotfi Zeghadnia; Abde El Krim Guebail
    In the present work, an activated carbon material has been prepared from date pits to remove zinc (Zn2+) and copper (Cu2+) from a wastewater. The effect of some parameters on adsorption performance has been investigated. The optimization of operational conditions allowed increasing the adsorption of Zn2+ ions from 33% to 85% and the adsorption of Cu2+ from 23% to 70%. The optimum conditions found are a mass of adsorbent of 4g, a stirring speed of 500 rpm and a ratio of 15 for volume of liquid / mass of solid. It has been shown that the adsorbent has more affinity to the copper ions than zinc ions and the modeling results gave adsorption isotherms type “C”. The results also showed that the kinetics of zinc and copper ions adsorption were described by a pseudo second-order rate model and controlled by the internal diffusion which can be considered as limiting step that controls the rate transfer of these ions to the solid surface.
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    Ultrasound-assisted adsorption of Pb ions by carbonized/activated date stones from singles/mixed aqueous solutions
    (Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2022-01) Nora Sedira; Saliha Bouranene; Abdalhak Gheid
    This work aims to assess the adsorption efficiency of date stones biowaste subjected to carbonization and activation processes for the removal of Pb ions from single and mixed solutions. Several techniques have been used for characterization of adsorbents such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), methylene blue index and point of zero charge (pHpzc). An excellent adsorption capacity of 97.43% is achieved at an initial concentration of 300 mg/L, solution volume 75 mL of Pb nitrate, adsorbent mass of 0.7 g, temperature of 30 °C, a stirring speed of 500 rpm/min, a contact time of 180 min and pH 6. Specifically, a comparison has been conducted between carbonized/activated date stones “CADS” and commercial activated carbon “CAC” besides investigating the influence of the presence of Co ions and the utilization of ultrasound radiation. A higher adsorption rate of 98.16% is reached under ultrasound radiation at Pb(II) initial concentration of 100 mg/L for a contact time of 3 h. Nevertheless, the temperature has shown a negative effect; the adsorption rate decreases from 98.31% at 18 °C to 92.70% at 60 °C. The modeling of the experimental adsorption data manifests a type-L isotherm characteristic of Langmuir and Freundlich models. The kinetic study has shown that the experimental data are well described by a pseudo-second-order rate model and controlled by the internal diffusion, a limiting-step that controls the transfer rate of Pb(II) to the adsorbent surface. The calculated thermodynamic parameters (ΔG⁰, ΔH⁰, ΔS⁰) indicate that the adsorption of Pb(II) is spontaneous and exothermic process.
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    Determination of the microbiological characteristics and traces of heavy metals in rainwater harvested in urbanized areas to develop their uses: Case study of downtown Souk Ahras, Algeria
    (Genetics & Biodiversity Journal, 2023-01-08) Guebail, Abdelkrim; Boukhari, Sofiane; Zeghadnia, Lotfi; Ahmed Salah, Araibia; Bouranene, Saliha
    Rainwater storage tanks designed with diverse materials may host sustainable microbial systems; such systems are found in areas where a potable water source is not readily available. The variations in the water stored can also affect the levels of heavy metals and the physic-chemical parameters. The types of tanks and their composite materials can significantly influence the values of some chemical elements, especially heavy metals, essential nutrients, as well as pH, EC, and turbidity. In this study, two types of tank materials were used for the harvested rainwater systems in Souk Ahras city: concrete and plastic. Twenty-one samples were collected and analyzed for different time scales for both types of tank materials: one week, three weeks, and three months. Results of the determination of the essential nutrients as well as the concentrations of heavy metals, such as lead (Pb), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As), were present in moderate concentrations. In addition, pathogens, such as salmonella, yeast, mold spores, fecal coliforms, and streptococci, were undetected in the rainwater samples of all tanks. However, the concrete tanks showed a very interesting resistance to the growth of aerobic germs, where 99.7% of the germs were eliminated by the third week. However, the opposite behavior was recorded after this period.