The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Through Using Video-Blogs Based Role Play in Enhancing Second Year Students' Oral Communicative Skills

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Abstract In the world that we currently live in, technology is a major vital factor in all fields, especially in education, the use of technologies proved to be efficient for both students and teachers, however, the implementation of technologies in education does not neglect the traditional face to face teaching and learning methods that also proved to be efficient, the combination of both modern and technological and traditional teaching-learning methods is called Blended learning a teaching method that proved to beneficial for instructors and students, in this technique teachers can use the Video Blogs Based Role Play which is considered to be a useful tool to improve student s oral communicative skills because it uses an audio-visual aids rather than written texts as a primary media source. This work is an attempt to prove the efficiency of blended learning by using Video Blogs Based role to play in enhancing second-year EFL students' oral communicative skills and their attitude towards this method. In this research, a quasi-experiment and a semi-structured interview were conducted in order to prove the efficiency of this method in enhancing students' oral communicative skills.







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