Master theses
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Item Teachers' and Pupils' Perception Towards The Role of Project Work in Boosting Pupils' Intrinsic Motivation Case Study of Second Year Pupils at Rabahi Naouar Secondary School in Souk-Ahras(2021) Maroua BERROUKAbstract This study aims at investigating the role of project work to second year pupils at Rabahi Naouar secondary school. Furthermore, it measures the effect of project work strategy and how can positively impact the pupils' intrinsic motivation towards English. To answer the study questions, the researcher adopted the quantitative approach. Accordingly, two questionnaires were administered to the teachers and pupils as a foreign language from Rabahi Naouar secondary school to confirm/ refute the hypothesis which state that if the project work is adequately applied as a task in the EFL secondary school classes, then it would significantly stimulate pupils' intrinsic motivation. The results of the study revealed that pupils engage in projects because they are intrinsically motivated. Project work can be an effective factor in increasing the intrinsic motivation of pupils because it provides them the opportunity to produce a good language. At the end, we come to the conclusion that pupils engage in projects due to their internal desires which push them to participate. So, project work increases pupils' intrinsic motivation. ------------------ ملخص تهدف هذه الدراسة للتحقيق في دور تطبيق المشروع للسنة الثانية من التعليم الثانوي في ثانوية رباحي نوار. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإنه يقيس تأثير استراتيجية عمل المشروع وكيف يمكن أن يؤثر إيجابيا على الدافع الذاتي للمتعلمين تجاه اللغة الإنجليزية للإجابة على أسئلة الدراسة، اعتمد الباحث المنهج الكمي. و بناء على ذلك، تم تقديم الاستبيانات لأساتذة و تلاميذ اللغة الانجليزية في ثانوية رباحي نوار لتأكيد او دحض الفرضية التالية إذا تم تطبيق عمل المشروع بشكل مناسب كمهمة في فصول المدرسة الثانوية كلغة أجنبية ، فإن ذلك سيعزز الدافع بشكل كبير الدافع الذاتي للمتعلمين. كشفت نتائج الدراسة أن التلاميذ ينخرطون في المشاريع لأنهم متحمسون ذاتيا و يمكن أن يكون عمل المشروع عاملا فعالا في زيادة الدافع الذاتي للمتعلمين لأنه يتيح لهم الفرصة لإنتاج لغة جيدة في النهاية توصلنا إلى استنتاج مفاده أن التلاميذ ينخرطون في المشاريع بسبب رغباتهم الداخلية التي تدفعهم للمشاركة. لذلك، فإن العمل في المشروع يزيد من الدافع الذاتي لدى التلاميذ.Item Promoting Objectivity through Performance Assessment: The Case of Algerian EFL Master One Students' Tutorials at the University of Mohamed- Cherif Messaadia(2022) Chaima ARAARAbstract The current study seeks to investigate the factors that can improve the objectivity of performance-based assessment with EFL students' tutorials in Algerian universities. It also aims to improve awareness among teachers and students about performance assessment and its impact on improving the student outcomes. The research opted for a mixed methods approach to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Firstly, a web-based questionnaire was administered to 70 Master 1 students from the Department of English, at Souk-Ahras University. Secondly, an in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted with six teachers conveniently selected. The study findings revealed that an adequate scoring rubric that is shared among teachers in the same module and an explanation of task instructions are two elements that improve performance assessment objectivity. Such a kind of assessment is preferred by EFL teachers since it allows them to assess students' language competence and skills. In light of this, to gain greater objectivity while utilizing performance assessment, teachers must be mindful of the value of the scoring rubric and assessment tools.Item ESP Needs Analysis of Veterinary Medecine Students in Taref and Souk Ahras Universities(2022) . Aya REHAMNIAAbstract This research is concerned with ESP needs analysis of Veterinary Medicine students. the teaching of English for specific purposes in Algeria, the integration of needs analysis is considered as the most essential aspect to conduct the course generally for English teachers and particularly for ESP teachers. The study investigates needs of the target group, first year Veterinary Medicine students at Tarf and Souk Ahras universities, by using different tools. Moreover, needs analysis has predominant requirements relating to different skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing and translation as additional needs. It must also be specific and precise to be used by students for understanding different scientific articles and publications. The research is a well-planned organization incorporating multimedia tools and the acquired materials as well as different techniques of teaching depending on the learner's qualities and levels, For instance, ESP course design and its efficiency. The results gained from the students' questionnaire partially confirm the first hypothesis, in the sense that of the students displayed a need for ESP in their future career while of them claimed that they need ESP just for the purpose of passing their exams. Furthermore, have manifested that most of the students stated that the speaking and writing skills are what they needed mostly in order to learn English, and use it in their studies. Therefore, the second hypothesis is confirmed. Moreover, the majority of them claimed that the most needed materials in ESP class are visual aids, mainly videos, aria. Besides, the activities they deemed mostly adequate are: games and role plays. Hence, the third hypothesis is also confirmed. ------------------------ RÉSUMÉ Cette recherche porte sur l'analyse des besoins en ESP des étudiants en médecine vétérinaire. Depuis l'enseignement de l'anglais sur objectifs spécifiques en Algérie, l'intégration de l'analyse des besoins est considérée comme l'aspect le plus essentiel pour conduire le cours en général pour les professeurs d'anglais et particulièrement pour les professeurs d'ESP. L'étude examine les besoins du groupe cible, les étudiants de première année en médecine vétérinaire des universités de Tarf et Souk Ahras, en utilisant différents outils. De plus, l'analyse des besoins a des exigences prédominantes relatives à différentes compétences: parler, écouter, lire, écrire et traduire en tant que besoins supplémentaires. Il doit également être spécifique et précis pour être utilisé par les étudiants pour comprendre différents articles et publications scientifiques. La recherche est une organisation bien pensée intégrant des outils multimédias et les supports acquis ainsi que différentes techniques d'enseignement selon les qualités et les niveaux de l'apprenant, par exemple, la conception de cours ESP et son efficacité. Les résultats obtenus à partir du questionnaire des étudiants confirment partiellement la première hypothèse, en ce sens que des étudiants affichent un besoin d'ESP dans leur future carrière alors que d'entre eux affirment avoir besoin d'ESP uniquement dans le but de réussir leurs examens. En outre, ont manifesté que la plupart des étudiants ont déclaré que les compétences orales et écrites sont ce dont ils avaient le plus besoin pour apprendre l'anglais et l'utiliser dans leurs études. La deuxième hypothèse est donc confirmée. De plus, la majorité d'entre eux ont affirmé que supports les plus nécessaires dans la classe ESP sont les aides visuelles, principalement les vidéos et les realia. Par ailleurs, les activités qu'ils jugent majoritairement adéquates sont : les jeux et les jeux de rôle . La troisième hypothèse est donc également confirmée. Enfin, des suggestions de recherches futures et les limites de l'étude sont présentées.Item Teaching English as a Foreign Language in a Flipped Classroom Case of Second year master English Students at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk Ahras(2022) LADJAILIA FAICALABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the trends and key findings of studies related to flipped classroom methodology in the field of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). For this, using technology means a research was done using a questionnaire and a participant observation with the second year master English students at Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University - Souk AhrasFaculty of Letters and Languages Department of foreign languages . The results of the study show that the Flipped class method in TEFL is very effective and had gained a lot popularity among researchers in recent years. Furthermore, the most widely used contrast classroom research methods in TEFL studies were found to be mixed and quantitative methods. Among the studies reviewed, speaking and writing skills were the most commonly studied language skills. Further analysis revealed the challenges, as well as the benefits, of using the flipped classroom method in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Additionally, in the studies reviewed on the flipped classroom methods and Active Learning, the results mainly emphasize the advantages of the Flipped Learning methods, On the basis of the review, various suggestions are made for practitioners and future research. ---------------- ملخص الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو دراسة الاتجاهات والنتائج الرئيسية للدراسات المتعلقة بمنهجية التعليم المعكوس في مجال تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية. لهذا ، فإن باستخدام التكنولوجيا تم إجراء بحث باستخدام استبيان و مراقبة المشترك مع طلاب السنة الثانية ماستير اللغة الإنجليزية في جامعة محمد الشريف المساعدية - سوق أهراس كلية الآداب وقسم اللغات الأجنبية. تظهر نتائج الدراسة أن طريقة الفصل المعكوس فعال للغاية واكتسبت شعبية كبيرة بين الباحثين في السنوات الأخيرة. علاوة على ذلك ، تم العثور على طرق البحث المتناقضة الأكثر استخدامًا على نطاق واسع في دراسات اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية على أنها طرق مختلطة وكمية. من بين الدراسات التي تمت مراجعتها ، كانت مهارات التحدث والكتابة هي المهارات اللغوية و الأكثر شيوعًا التي تمت دراستها. كشف المزيد من التحليل عن التحديات ، فضلاً عن الفوائد ، من استخدام طريقة الفصل الدراسي المقلوب في فصل اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، في الدراسات التي تمت مراجعتها حول أساليب الفصل الدراسي المقلوب والتعلم النشط ، تؤكد النتائج بشكل أساسي على مزايا أساليب التعلم المعكوس ، وعلى أساس المراجعة ، حيث تم تقديم اقتراحات مختلفة للممارسين والأبحاث المستقبلية. ---------------------Item The Impact of Self-assessment on Enhancing EFL Learners' Writing Proficiency Case of: Second Year Bachelor Students of English at the University of Souk-Ahras(2022) KADI NardjesAbstract Teachers of EFL use many methods and techniques to assess their learners in terms of the four skills. Self-assessment is one of those techniques. Since it defines the level of the learners by giving them the opportunity to assess their own progress and identify their weaknesses, strengths and take part in the learning process. The current study aims at investigating the impact of self-assessment technique on enhancing learners' writing proficiency in the department of English language at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia university in Souk Ahras. To test the main hypothesis that suggests the possibility of enhancing learners' writing proficiency through the application of self-assessment techniques both qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed method)were used in the data collection; a questionnaire was provided to second year EFL students. The gathered data have illustrated that the use of self-assessment has a positive impact in enhancing students' writing skill, by engagingthe learner in the teaching / learning process, and gives them the chance to be aware of their level and identify their weaknesses and strengths in order to fill in the gaps. According to the findings of this investigation the claimed hypothesis is confirmed.Item Teachers' and Learners' Perceptions towards Culture Teaching in the EFL Classroom The Case of First Year Pupils at El Arbi Djemil Secondary School, Sédrata, Souk-Ahras(2022) Manal GHEDABNIAAbstract |The current descriptive study is concerned with probing EFL teachers' and learners' perceptions towards culture teaching in the EFL classroom at El Arbi Djemil Secondary School in Sédrata, Souk-Ahras. To confirm or refute the main hypothesis that suggests that the cultural aspect of the language is not taken on equal footing with the other language skills. The researcher opted for a mixed methods approach to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Firstly, a questionnaire was administered to 98 first year pupils. Another questionnaire was administered to 20 EFL teachers from Sédrata, Souk-Ahras, and Sidi Fradj. The final stage of the research involved two in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted with 5 teachers selected randomly, and 7 pupils selected conveniently. The gathered data have illustrated that theoretically the value of culture appears to be appreciated by both participants; however, in practice, no time is allocated to culture teaching, and both teachers and pupils focus more on the linguistic competence rather than intercultural competence to achieve language proficiency. On the basis of these findings, which seem to run in the opposite direction of what has been endorsed in the literature and previous researches, recommendations are suggested to the Ministry of National Education, EFL teachers and learners.Item Investigating The Importance Of Cultural Awareness In EFL Learning. Case Study Third Year English Students at Mohamed Cherif Messadia. Souk Ahras.(2022) Charmati KhaoulaAbstract For many years English language teachers (ELT) attention revolved mainly around teaching language conventions ignoring the communicative aspect of language learning. Despite the fact that, the primary objective of learning a foreign language is enabling the learners to converse adequately with native speakers of the target language. Accordingly, the present dissertation investigates the importance of cultural awareness in EFL classes at the English Department, at the university of Souk Ahras. It aspires at highlighting the need to be culturally aware of the target language in order to facilitate the learning process of EFL learners. To execute our research, qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted, and in order to collect data we opt for a questionnaire that was addressed to Third year students at the university of Souk Ahras, in addition to a structured interview which was coordinated with (06) teachers of English from the same department After that, the responses are categorized and statistically and subjectively analyzed. The findings revealed that teachers and the majority of students are aware of the impact of TC on language learning since it can improve students' achievement and mastery of the target language. Moreover, according to the findings, culture incorporation in learners' instruction boosts their learning process the more they are aware of the culture of language the more they would like to learn, discover, and practice the language pushing them to develop their skills. furthermore, culture influences the outcomes of learners so the one who shows willingness and greediness to know the other culture learn in adequate way. Finally, the researcher can confirm the hypothesis after analyzing the data acquired from the research instruments used, and based on the findings, make a number of recommendations aimed at improving the implementation of culture in third-year English classrooms.Item The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Through Using Video-Blogs Based Role Play in Enhancing Second Year Students' Oral Communicative Skills(2022) DOGHMANI Mohamed Kheir eddineAbstract In the world that we currently live in, technology is a major vital factor in all fields, especially in education, the use of technologies proved to be efficient for both students and teachers, however, the implementation of technologies in education does not neglect the traditional face to face teaching and learning methods that also proved to be efficient, the combination of both modern and technological and traditional teaching-learning methods is called Blended learning a teaching method that proved to beneficial for instructors and students, in this technique teachers can use the Video Blogs Based Role Play which is considered to be a useful tool to improve student s oral communicative skills because it uses an audio-visual aids rather than written texts as a primary media source. This work is an attempt to prove the efficiency of blended learning by using Video Blogs Based role to play in enhancing second-year EFL students' oral communicative skills and their attitude towards this method. In this research, a quasi-experiment and a semi-structured interview were conducted in order to prove the efficiency of this method in enhancing students' oral communicative skills.Item The Effect of Learning Styles on Strategy Use by EFL Learners A Case Study of Third Year Learners of English at Souk- Ahras University(2022) BOURAOUI NihelAbstract The present paper aims to reveal the effect of learning styles on learning strategy use by EFL learners at Souk- Ahras University. The main concern of the current study is that some EFL learners do not use learning strategy that reflects their learning styles, so they cannot learn effectively. It hypothesizes that EFL learners will learn effectively, if learners know how to link the appropriate strategy use to their learning styles. Thus, the work attempts to clarify the effect of learning style on strategy use either positive effect or negative one. In the process of achieving the above objectives, the descriptive exploratory method is adopted based on quantitative method in order to define different aims from that research. In addition, one (01) data collection tool, a questionnaire was administrated for both teachers and students. The learners' and the teachers' questionnaire has been administrated during the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022. The sample of this study is composed of 70 third year learners out of 125 learners and 22 teachers at the Department of English, University of Souk Ahras, Algeria. The derived results revealed positive relationship between the two research variables which confirm the research hypotheses set at the beginning of the research.Item Applying Multiple Intelligence Theory in Teaching EFL for Improving Students' Writing Skills The Case of: Second Year LMD Students at University of Souk Ahras(2022) KHALFALLAH ChadhaAbstract This study investigates the notion of MI and its impact on learners' writing; it looks into the improvements in teaching English as foreign language (E.F.L) in general and the development of learners' writing in particular, the purpose of this research is to provide an overview of MI; to increase learners' awareness about the concept of the theory, and to break the wall of obstacles in teaching or learning writing. We postulate that if linguistic and interpersonal strategies are integrated into teaching EFL, learners are more likely to increase their writing abilities. A descriptive method was used in this study by creating a questionnaire for fifty students and interviewing three teachers at Mouhamed Chrif Mssaidia. After analyzing the findings from both data collection techniques, our prediction about the effectiveness of MI in EFL and teaching writing skills was confirmed. Both teachers and learners agreed on the positive impact of using strategies from MI that cover the individual differences. As a result, teachers should recognize the learners' types of intelligence in order to select the most suitable strategy for teaching them writing skills. Furthermore, integrating a wide selection of MI tasks not only helps learners strengthen their English but also helps teachers cover the majority of educators' mental abilities. Most of the efforts being made to involve MI in Teaching English as Foreign Language (T.E.F.L) open up numerous opportunities for success in many educational fields. --------------------Item Teachers' and Learners' Attitudes Towards Error Correction in English as a Foreign Language Classes- Focus on Oral Error Correction Case of Second year Students at the Department of English, Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-Ahras(2022) Imen KHEDRIAbstract Error correction is an integral part of the foreign language teaching learning process. However, learning from one's errors will never be possible if the appropriate error correction strategies were not used, and if learners carry on holding negative perceptions about and negative attitudes towards their errors and their teachers' error treatment methods. Therefore, the current study aims to explore both teachers' and students' attitudes towards oral error correction. To achieve the research goals, and to test the hypothesis which states that if teachers use the appropriate strategies of oral error correction, learners' negative attitudes to error correction would be changed, an exploratory mixed method as an approach to combining qualitative and quantitative was used through the use of a questionnaire with fifteen teachers at the Department of English at Mohammed Cherif Messaadia University, and another one was administered to fifty three second year LMD students at the same department. So as to observe the way teachers deal with learners' errors and at the same time to find out how students receive and respond to teachers' oral corrective feedback, some observation sessions of the same learners also took place during oral expression, grammar and phonetics classes. The findings revealed that both learners and teachers have positive attitudes towards error correction and that teachers usually opt for the use of immediate recasts and explicit correction. Eventually, the hypothesis was confirmed, so in the light of this, teachers have to apply different oral corrective feedback strategies and learners should accept their errors to learn from them, and to avoid making errors, they need to practice the language more in order.Item Students and Teachers' Attitudes toward Teaching English at the Department of French: Case of First Year Students at Souk Ahras(2022) Meraihia HindAbstract The present paper aims to reveal the students' and teachers' attitudes toward teaching English at the department of French at Souk Ahras university. The main concern of the current study is that students as well as teachers may have certain attitudes toward learning the English language. Such attitudes can affect the teaching and learning process whether positively or negatively, for that sake, this research is going to investigate those attitudes and their impact on the learning and teaching effectiveness. A descriptive method was used in this study, which is composed of two qualitative gathering tools; an interview and a questionnaire. According to the sampling, four teachers of English Language module were selected to answer the interview. However 50 first year students of French were chosen randomly to fill in the questionnaire. Finally, based on the analysis of the teachers' interview and the students' questionnaire, the results and findings of the research showed that the students and the teachers of first year at the department of French have positive attitudes towards teaching English, however, many issues encounter them which affect their learning progress.Item Fostering Students' Engagement in EFL Classroom Case Study of Master I EFL Students at Mohammed Cherif Messaadia University - Souk Ahras(2022) ABADLIA WafaAbstract: Fostering students' engagement in EFL teaching and learning offers a number of mechanisms considered focal in making a successful EFL classroom. Fostering this engagement is to give sense and credebility to the cognitive, emotional and behavioral efforts students' show in the learning process. In order to deduce the useful strategies used by the teacher to foster students' engagement, and because it is the source of the students' autonomy, more precisely this research is destined to Master I EFL students and teachers who try to engage their students actively. This research dealt with a questionnaire destined to both students and teachers to find out their opinions and challenges about how to foster students' engagement inside the classroom, emphesizing on the activites suggested by the teacher to emplement the meaning of engamement as a commitment. In the end, some educational considerations were suggested regarding this topic.Item The Effectiveness of Group Work in Enhancing Students' Writing Skill: The Case of Second Year Students at Souk- Ahras University(2022) Hakima MerasAbstract The main concern of the current study is that writing in a foreign language has always been a challenging skill for EFL learners to master, for those reasons teachers always look for what might help students increase their proficiency in writing. Accordingly, the present study aims to scrutinize the effectiveness of using group work in enhancing students' writing skill. In other words, the work checks the correlation between the implementation of group work in EFL classrooms and the development of students' writing production. The descriptive method has been adopted using questionnaire for second year EFL students and a structured interview for their teachers at the department of English in Soukahras University. The analysis of the gathered data have illustrated that group work have an effective impact on improving the writing abilities of students, enhance their writing production, and solve many faced problems. Based on the obtained results, the hypothesis is confirmed.Item The Impact of Learners' Autonomy on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Souk-Ahras University(2022) HARIRECHE RihebAbstract Reading comprehension requires certain skills and abilities including learning autonomy. This latter has become a popular concept due to its importance in the learning process. For this reason, this study seeks to highlight the impact and the importance of learning autonomy on enhancing EFL learners' reading comprehension through conducting two questionnaires for both EFL teachers and EFL second year students at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia in Souk Ahras. The main concern of the current study is that EFL learners lack reading comprehension. Therefore, the work attempts to look for ways to promote learners' autonomy, and to investigate the problems that may face the EFL learners during reading class. The findings revealed the positive impact of learner autonomy on enhancing learners' reading comprehension. It also demonstrated that EFL learners face a plenty of difficulties during reading class.Item The Use of Extensive Reading in Enhancing EFL Student’s Speaking Skills Case Study of Third Year Students of English at Mohammed Cherif-Messaadia University Souk-Ahras(2022) REHAHLA InsafAbstract The present study investigated the use of extensive reading on the students’ development in speaking skills. Despite the fact that being a hard task, there is no doubt that speaking skills form a challenge for many EFL learners. In this research, we used qualitative and quantitative methods to collect both students and teacher’s data. Participants (N= 90) and teachers (N=10) were randomly chosen to answer the research questionnaires. The analysis of the results showed that students who use extensive reading are more creative and motivated compared to a number of students who face difficulties due to the fear of making mistakes. Moving away from a detailed category of information, extensive reading allows students to manipulate with words and ideas more than those who don’t use extensive reading. Furthermore, teachers are aware of the effectiveness of extensive reading in improving the students’ oral competence and raising their cultural awareness. They support and encourage them to read more through the use of smart strategies; enabling the integration of other skills to increase their motivation in the learning process. Accordingly, our research findings show that more research is needed to understand the use of extensive reading in enhancing the students’ speaking skills.Item Motivational Aspects of Integrating ICT Tools in Algerian EFL Students' Oral Presentations The Case of Master One EFL Students at Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Souk- Ahras(2022) Yasmine MERGHADABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using Prezi on enhancing learners' motivation during oral presentations as well as their oral performance (skill) in the Department of the English Language at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, in Souk-Ahras. Prezi is an innovative presentation software which is not commonly used in the Algerian education context producing a cloud-based presentation and storytelling tool for presenting ideas on a virtual canvas. This exploratory, descriptive research utilized a mixed method to collect both quantitative and qualitative data as well as adapting triangulation approach in collecting data. Three main instruments had been used. Initially, a questionnaire comprised of 17 statements was administered to n74 students chosen randomly from N107 Master one students of English, Department of English, Souk-Ahras University. Secondly, an in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted with four EFL teachers of Oral Expression& Comprehension subject selected conveniently. Finally, a non-participant observation was conducted during the second semester (2022) with 26 Master one students over six sessions during "Methodology of Research Work" course. The obtained findings unearthed that the integration of Prezi as an ICT tool has a positive impact on enhancing students' motivation and developing their oral performance during oral presentations. Based on these results, the hypotheses are confirmed. Therefore, students' Training on innovative ICT integration, technical support and ICT tools facility in Algerian university are highly recommended to overcome the barriers the successful integration of ICTS.Item Enhancing Students' Speaking Skill through the Integration of Audio-Visual Aids: The Case of First Year Students at Souk-Aras University(2022) Lynda REDJIMIAbstract The purpose of the current exploratory study is to demonstrate the efficiency of using Audio-visual aids to enhance students speaking skill. It tries to explore the effects of using these tools to improve students speaking skill since the latter is considered as one of the most difficult skills to master. This difficulty is due to the lack of motivation and teacher reliance on the traditional methods. In order to reach the above aims, the research utilized a mixed methods approach to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. A descriptive method applied to collect data through questionnaires one for teachers of oral expression and another for first year students at the department of English language at Souk-Ahras University. Besides, a classroom observation that investigated how these tools are integrated by teachers and what students' attitudes towards their incorporation of Audio-visual aids. This study highlighted the importance of Audio-Visual aids in boosting students speaking skill. Moreover, it demonstrated how the use of Audio-Visual aids can help students overcome speaking problems and improve their oral performance. The obtained results were confirmed the hypothesis established at the beginning of the study. It proved that Audio-Visual aids reflect positively on the students' oral performance and enhance their speaking skill to a high level.Item The Impact of Automated Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners' Writing Improvement The Case of Second Year EFL Students at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-Ahras(2022) Rayan BAHLOULAbstract The adoption of online teaching during the Covid 19 pandemic affected in many ways the teaching process in general, and the teaching of the writing skill in particular, especially, in the phase of providing the teachers' feedback to their students' writings, which is considered as a key part in the writing process. In this case, Automated Corrective Feedback is supposed to be an alternative to teachers' feedback, which may guide the students and help them to ameliorate their writings. However, students' and teachers' attitudes and reactions towards this type of feedback may vary. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the teachers' and students' attitudes regarding the use of automated corrective feedback programs. To meet the aim of the study, an interview was conducted with EFL teachers and a questionnaire was submitted to second year students from the department of English at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University. The collected data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively then they were discussed and interpreted. Therefore, according to the findings, it was recognized that both teachers and students insisted on the necessity of using ACF as a relevant tool for helping students to become good writers. Furthermore, the results revealed that ACF can overcome the students writing problems. So, the obtained findings confirm the proposed hypothesis and give insights to a number of suggestions that can help the students to develop their writing skill.Item Implementing Active Learning Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking Skills in Literature Classes(2022) Kohil Mohamed LamineAbstract Traditional teaching methods have proven fruitless at engaging learners and developing their cognitive skills, that is why Active learning is leading the way in university teaching, to better the learning experience and produce better academic results from learners. This study is carried out to highlight the effects some ALS have in promoting third year license learners of English's critical thinking skills at the University of Mohamed Cherif Messadia, Souk Ahras. To document the AL environment, six classroom sessions were attended to reveal the process of AL. learners engaged in oral presentations, discussions, and were guided by the teacher to find the deeper meaning behind literary works. To test if learners developed CTS as a result of learning actively, the researcher designed a CT test adopted from bloom's taxonomies. The test results revealed that nearly half of test- takers developed CTS. At last, learners answered a web survey in the hopes of understanding their attitudes and opinions of the AL experience, which the majority of them demonstrated a positive attitude towards it, and 23 out of 29 learners stated an increase in their motivation for learning literature through being actively involved in the learning process.